John Butterworth

Director for Employment Systems Change and Evaluation and Senior Research Fellow
John has over 40 years of experience in research, training, employment support and the management and development of employment services. He manages projects on employment support and state systems change including Access to Integrated Employment, a 35 year national data collection project on day and employment services and outcomes for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and the State Employment Leadership Network, a membership network of state developmental disability agencies committed to improving employment outcomes. John’s interests include systems and organizational change, data-based management and planning, state policy and strategy, employment outcomes, organizational development and transformation, improving employment supports, natural supports , and person-centered planning.

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Research to Practice: The Successes and Struggles of Closing a Facility-Based Employment Service

Over the past 15 years there have been substantial changes in the delivery and funding of day and employment services for individuals with disabilities. Most notably, the introduction of supported employment has led to a dramatic increase in the number of individuals with severe disabilities in integrated community employment. Despite these promising changes, the implementation of supported employment has not resulted in a transfer of resources and services from facilities to integrated employment.

Partnerships in Employment: Building a Transition-to-Employment Agenda

The national Partnerships in Employment (PIE) readiness preparation that impacts post- National Transition Systems Change Project was established in 2011 by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. This five-year project focuses on improving, developing, and implementing policies and practices that raise community expectations and overall employment outcomes for youth with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD).

StateData: The National Report on Employment Services and Outcomes

The 2015 National Report on Employment Services and Outcomes provides national and state-level statistics spanning a 20-year period. Its sources include several data sets that address employment outcomes and economic self-sufficiency for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

Download the full 2015 report here or click on the thumbnail image. 

The 2014–2015 National Survey of Community Rehabilitation Providers Report 1: Overview of Services, Trends, and Provider Characteristics

This brief is based on the 2014–2015 National Survey of Community Rehabilitation Providers (CRPs) funded by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. This brief presents findings on people with all disabilities and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who receive employment and non-work services from community rehabilitation providers (CRPs).

Working in the Community: The Status and Outcomes of People with IDD in Integrated Employment - Update 2

Improving employment outcomes has been identified as a priority by self-advocates, states agencies, the National Governor’s Association, and federal policy makers. The recognition of the pivotal role that work can play in the lives of people with IDD is driving many state developmental disabilities agencies to adopt “Employment First” policies that prioritize employment in integrated settings as the preferred day service alternative. The need for this policy shift is clear.