The National Survey of Community Rehabilitation Providers, FY 2004-2005, Report 1: Employment Outcomes for People with Developmental Disabilities in Integrated Employment

Where do individuals with mental retardation and developmental disabilities (DD) work, and what types of jobs do they have? How many hours do they work, what do they earn, and who pays their wages? Do they have access to health care benefits and paid time off? This Research to Practice brief provides answers to those and other questions. It is the first in a series of brief products that present findings from the FY2004-2005 National Survey of Community Rehabilitation Providers Individual Employment Outcomes Survey funded by the U.S. Administration on Developmental Disabilities. The survey aimed to provide a current snapshot of employment outcomes for recently employed individuals with DD. Overall, survey results show that the majority of individuals with DD work part-time in individual jobs predominantly in the entry-level service industry, earn above minimum wage, and receive paid time off.

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