
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disability, typically appearing during childhood and affecting a person's ability to communicate and interact with others. Many people with ASD also have intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Learn more about employment resources for individuals with ASD and their families by clicking on the links below.

Considering Community Service: Career Development for Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder

This guide offers practical solutions for transition coordinators, educators, and others who want to implement community service activities that build skills for youth with ASD. This publication addresses career exploration. Other publications in the toolkit focus on social skills and self-determination.

Supporting Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Quality Employment Practices

Individuals with ASD can work but need to be matched with jobs that build on their strengths and interests. Consideration needs to be given to the demands of particular jobs, the physical and social environments, and how instruction or accommodations can be provided that will make success possible. This brief discusses strategies for support and planning, collaboration, creative strategizing, and an intimate understanding of the person with ASD as a unique individual to make success possible.